Christian Hypocrisy
During the previous month we heard prefessed Christians decry the fact that big business, the ACLU, (insert any of the hated organizations), was trying to "take Christ out of Christmas." This was spouted loudly and repeatedly so much it nearly made you want to hurl. Pllleeze!
OK, let's get this straight, Christ was not born at Christmas time. It was a PAGAN holiday that the apostate church "sanctified" in order to help the pagans feel more comfortable coming to church. The season never really has been about Jesus. It was about the re-birth of the SUN at the winter solstice. Now, when some businesses decided to say, "Happy Holidays" or call them "Holiday Trees", the Christian community in America seemed close to starting an uncivil culture war. Got a question, what on earth does a pine tree have to do with the birth of Christ, besides tradition? Nothing!
This same mentality vehemently defends going to church Sunday, another holiday (holy day) that has nothing to do with Christ - except that He made light on that day. Worshipping on that day was instituted, again, when the apostate church "sanctified" the day in order to help pagans feel more comfortable in church and has nothing whatsoever to do with worshipping Christ when He asks us to.
Those who follow truth in these last days of earth's history - DO NOT BE DISTRACTED! Don't buy into all this furor. Maybe, just maybe, Jesus is tired of His birth being connected to a pagan day of worship and He impressed and inspiried companies to take His name off. Maybe He doesn't want His name to endorse such a thing.
Am I glad that Jesus was born? Absolutely! Do I have to have it plastered on every item and repeated on every lip in order to continue to appreciate it? Not a chance.
One last thought, maybe all of this is part of Satan's plan. He's gotten Christians to become nearly violently angry for apparently taking Christ out of one pagan-based tradition (Christmas). Maybe he's just conditioning them to get angry when, apparently, some would demean and disregard another pagan-based tradition (Sunday worship).
Don't be fooled.
OK, let's get this straight, Christ was not born at Christmas time. It was a PAGAN holiday that the apostate church "sanctified" in order to help the pagans feel more comfortable coming to church. The season never really has been about Jesus. It was about the re-birth of the SUN at the winter solstice. Now, when some businesses decided to say, "Happy Holidays" or call them "Holiday Trees", the Christian community in America seemed close to starting an uncivil culture war. Got a question, what on earth does a pine tree have to do with the birth of Christ, besides tradition? Nothing!
This same mentality vehemently defends going to church Sunday, another holiday (holy day) that has nothing to do with Christ - except that He made light on that day. Worshipping on that day was instituted, again, when the apostate church "sanctified" the day in order to help pagans feel more comfortable in church and has nothing whatsoever to do with worshipping Christ when He asks us to.
Those who follow truth in these last days of earth's history - DO NOT BE DISTRACTED! Don't buy into all this furor. Maybe, just maybe, Jesus is tired of His birth being connected to a pagan day of worship and He impressed and inspiried companies to take His name off. Maybe He doesn't want His name to endorse such a thing.
Am I glad that Jesus was born? Absolutely! Do I have to have it plastered on every item and repeated on every lip in order to continue to appreciate it? Not a chance.
One last thought, maybe all of this is part of Satan's plan. He's gotten Christians to become nearly violently angry for apparently taking Christ out of one pagan-based tradition (Christmas). Maybe he's just conditioning them to get angry when, apparently, some would demean and disregard another pagan-based tradition (Sunday worship).
Don't be fooled.
Just stumbled onto your blog. I don't know what church you represent, but you need to do your research more clearly and not trust the rhetoric you have obviously been fed by your sources. Historically pagans did not, I repeat did not have an official "day of worship" nor did pagans ever meet on Sundays to worship the sun as many so-called "experts" like to say. We Pagans do not and never have had any one special day of the week in which to worship our gods. We have some special annual ceremonies, but we worship whenever it is convenient for us. Look into the matter for yourself and you may be very surprised at what history actually reveals.
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM, January 04, 2006
Whoa! You really lay it on heavy here Dude. Apostate churches? Christmas is pagan! What have you been smoking? If you want to make friends your going to have to tone it down a little you sound real paranoid.
Anonymous, at 7:02 PM, January 04, 2006
Hey Karl,
I'm so glad to hear someone else take this on. I didn't think much about it last year when it was going on but this year it just came to me "Why are the Christians so upset about this?" I'm just not able to express my thoughts as nicely as you have. Anyway, keep it up.
Anonymous, at 7:06 PM, January 04, 2006
I agree that the secularization of society doesn't affect my Christmas blessing. As for the origin of Christmas being pagan, I suppose we could say that any human tradition that isn't commanded in the Bible is pagan? Thanksgiving is very special to me, but it was started by a group of human beings. The evergreen is a symbol of Christ. I think God is honored when we celebrate Him especially at certain times throughout the year. The important thing is to focus on Him every day of the year- not just around the holidays...
Trailady, at 6:55 AM, January 05, 2006
This is how it happened...I just finished the household chores for the night and was preparing to go to bed, when I heard a noise in the front of the house. I
opened the door to the front room and to my surprise, St. Nicholas himself stepped out from behind the Christmas tree.
He placed his finger over his mouth so I would not cry out. "What are you doing?"
I started to ask. The words choked up in my throat, and I saw he had tears in his eyes.
He looked very solomn, his usual jolly manner was gone. Gone was the eager, boisterous soul we all know.
He then answered me with a simple statement. "Teach the children the real meaning of Christmas!"
I was puzzled; what did he mean? He anticipated my question, and with one quick movement brought forth a bag from behind the tree. As I stood bewildered, Santa said, "Teach the children the old meaning of Christmas. The meaning that now-a-days people have forgotten."
He reached in his bag and pulled out a FIR TREE and placed it before the mantle. "Teach the children that the pure green color of the stately fir tree remains green all year, depicting Christ as the everlasting hope of mankind. The tree points heavenward making it a symbol of man's thoughts turning toward Heaven."
He again reached into his bag and pulled out a brilliant STAR. "The star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago. God promised a Savior for the world, and the star was the sign of fulfillment of His promise."
He then reached into his bag and pulled out a CANDLE. "Teach the children that the candle symbolizes Christ as the light of the world, and when we see this great light we are reminded of He who displaces the darkness."
Once again he reached into his bag and removed a WREATH and placed it on the tree. "Teach the children that the wreath symbolizes the real nature of love. Real love never ceases. Love is one continuous round of affection. God has no beginning and no end- He is eternal".
He then brought out a HOLLY LEAF. "Teach the children that the holly plant represents immortality. It represents the crown of thorns worn by our Savior. The red holly represents the blood shed by Him."
Next he pulled from his bag a GIFT and said, "Teach the children that God so loved the world that HE gave HIS begotten SON..." "Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift.
"Teach the children that the wise men bowed before the Holy BABE and presented HIM with gold, frankincense and myrrh. We should always give gifts in the same spirit of the wise men."
Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a CANDY CANE and hung it on the tree. "Teach the children that the candy cane represents the shepherds' crook. The crook on the staff helps to bring back strayed sheep to the fold."
He reached in again and pulled out an ANGEL. "Teach the children that it was the angels that heralded in the glorious news of the Savior's birth. The angels sang 'Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will toward men."
Suddenly I heard a soft twinkling sound, and from his bag he pulled out a BELL . "The lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell, it should call mankind to the fold. The bell symbolizes guidance and return."
St. Nick looked pleased. The twinkle was back in his eyes. He said, "Remember, teach the children the real meaning of Christmas and do not put me in the center, for I am but a humble servant of the One that is, and I bow down to worship HIM, our LORD, our GOD."
Remember....Jesus is the reason for the season!
Anonymous, at 7:08 AM, January 05, 2006
You must be a Jehovah's Witness. They are killjoys for any kind of celebrating or holidays.
Anonymous, at 8:32 AM, January 05, 2006
Lot's of great comments. Thanks. My purpose for the post is just to get people to take a step back and possibly see the underlying currents in society. Not just take things at face value. Ask "Why?" Is the anger that seems to be seen regarding Christmas justified righteous indignation or just the outgrowth of being conditioned to respond like that? If that is the case, why? What purpose would be served in "training" people to react like that?
MovinMan, at 10:08 AM, January 05, 2006
Whoa, Karl! Now that is a lot of heavy stuff out there! But you do have a point: I get sick & tired of these department stores changing their greeting from Merry Chirstmas to "Happy Holidays". That just drives me buggy!...
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM, January 05, 2006
Uh- did you understand that his point was that the stores don't have to say "Merry Christmas" and that Christians should stop trying to pressure them into saying that? He's saying that Christmas isn't Biblical and as such, Christians shouldn't get offended when society doesn't keep it as a religious holiday.
Anonymous, at 9:14 AM, January 10, 2006
Theres that term again! Apostate this apostate that. Just because people dont believe what you do does not mean we are "apostate". I have no knowlege of Sunday being a "pagan worship day". Sunday was kept by the apostles in celebration of Christ rising. They went to the Jew churches to preach the gospel, because thats the only time the jews were gathered in large numbers. Saturday keepers say a Sabbath was given in the garden of eden, but all I find is that God rested on that day because his work was done. There is no command to worship on the seventh day given to Adam in genesis. God communed face to facewith Adam an Eve on a daily basis before they sinned, why would he need a special day of worship when they did that all the time? First mention of "Sabbath" that I find is at Sinai. That old law was giving to show the Jews how hopeless it is for man to keep a law. They said they would but failed. It showed thier need for Jesus to come. He lived perfectly so that could be my perfection. He fulfilled the law because I can't. Anyone thinking they can is an arrogant fool! Christ alone is good. I am forgiven. I have a hard time following the history and logic behind some of your assertions, Karl.
Anonymous, at 8:16 PM, January 13, 2006
Wow Karl, You really opened a can of worms didn't you. I read all the comments and am amazed. We all have our own opinions, but as for me, the bible is my guide. I am very thankful that Jesus was born a little baby, and He gave his life for all of us. It is up to each one of us whether we accept Him as our Savior or not. Thanks for your thoughts.
Anonymous, at 9:09 PM, January 17, 2006
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