Boy, I guess I touched a nerve with the first post. My apologies to my pagan friend. I had no intention to offend.
I want to make it clear, I love Christmas time. It is wonderful to spend time with family and friends, to exchange gifts, to put up special decorations. The season provides such warm fuzzy feelings. No matter how sentamental it is, though, it is not Biblical.
For centuries, everyone believed, and taught, that the world was flat. Did that fact make the world flat? Absolutely not. The world was as round then as always. Just because something is taught and believed by billions does not make it true, if it does not match up with the only eternal constant - God and His Word. This includes Christmas and all it's trappings.
I want to make it clear, I love Christmas time. It is wonderful to spend time with family and friends, to exchange gifts, to put up special decorations. The season provides such warm fuzzy feelings. No matter how sentamental it is, though, it is not Biblical.
For centuries, everyone believed, and taught, that the world was flat. Did that fact make the world flat? Absolutely not. The world was as round then as always. Just because something is taught and believed by billions does not make it true, if it does not match up with the only eternal constant - God and His Word. This includes Christmas and all it's trappings.
Okay, better be consistent then and denounce birthdays, anniversaries, drivers licenses and the pledge of allegience to as they are all unbiblical. Where on earth did we get flowery wedding ceremonies? They aren't in the Bible either. My point being that just because something originated from people or because the church endorses a nonbiblical tradition does not make it "pagan". The term "pagan" means "A heathen, one without any religion".
Anonymous, at 8:41 AM, January 05, 2006
From a pagan perspective I couldn't agree more! Just because billions of people think something is true does not make it true. I enjoy Christmas for the family closeness it brings. Just make sure you have all the facts before "enlightening" us with your great wisdom. Changing a christian day of worship to sunday would not make any pagan more comfortable sitting in church listening to a bunch of guilt trips. I doubt you know anything about paganism. For the most part, we are gentle, peace loving people who love nature and freedom of thinking. Many of us are vegetarian because we respect mother earth and her creatures. Christians are not the only ones with values and I have few religious friends because there are far too many superstitions out there. FYI "heathen" also means, anyone not a jew, christian or muslim; uncivilized, one without education.
Anonymous, at 10:05 AM, January 05, 2006
Sounds to me like weeping willow is the one that needs to get some facts straight. I've done some research, I'll admit not exhaustive, and what Karl is saying is true. Take the time to look it up for yourself, since that is what you are preaching to everyone else. Physician, heal thyself. You can always go to the Catholic Website. I've been there are read for myself that they take great pride in the fact that they believe they have the power to change the "Sabbath" from Saturday to Sunday.
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM, January 05, 2006
Boy, all these "anonymous" posts, what courage! I AM a pagan and your not. Who knows better about the origins of paganism than a pagan? You have done a little bit of looking into it? I'm not impressed! Saturday to sunday- again, an arrogant claim by a church. I don't give a rip what catholics "say". Maybe somewhere along the line christians decided to go to church on sunday, fine. All I'm saying is leave pagans out of it, because that is where the post was faulty. The day was NOT changed to accomodate pagans as Karl proposed, because we have NO special day of the week on which to worship, nor did we ever worship the sun on sunday and mars on monday, etc. as many claim. That is a farce! Sorry to vent in a christian blog, I found this by accident while doing a search for pagan topics online.
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM, January 05, 2006
Whoa! Now that's a new one on me. And I thought the term "Santanarchy" which started in San Francisco was bad enough! At least I know that the purpose of Christmas was not for family get-togethers or presents for each other, but for Jesus to be born so that he would die for us to be saved!...
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM, January 05, 2006
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