Pagan Apologies
Weepingwillow (and any other pagans who may come across this blog), my apologies if you believe that I misspoke regarding pagans worshipping on Sunday and Christmas being a pagan based holiday. Maybe I should have said non-Christians instead of pagans. I must tell you that I have much respect for you and some similarities. I too tend to the gentle side, I too am peace loving, and appreciate and will defend freedom of thinking. Beyond that, I am a vegetarian as well. I am these things because my Bible tells me to be. My Bible tells me that Jesus is my gentle shepherd and I should be like Him. One of His names is the Prince of Peace, so I am to be peaceloving. I appreciate freedom of thinking because my Jesus never forces anyone to believe on Him to salvation or to believe in Him at all. You have every right to believe whatever you want and I will defend that right in any peaceful ways I can. I am a vegetarian because my Bible tells me that original diet given by God was fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, herbs and vegetables. The interesting thing is that all scientific research backs up the fact that a vegetarian diet is the best one. I want you to know how much I appreciate your respect for the earth and the creatures on it.
Apology accepted. Sorry I vented, it's your blog and I guess you have the right to say what you want. I do believe in free speech I just find it bothersome when misinformed christians say things about pagans when they really have no idea what we are all about. Many people think we worship satan and do human an animal sacrifices, but that is far from the truth! Satan worship is religion as far as I'm concernd. We simply want to be free to live and love as we see fit and make the most of each day without a bunch of rhetoric. Yes, all people have things in common if they would only look for commonality instead of trying to be so very different from each other. We all hurt and bleed, we all laugh and experience pleasure. Our hearts beat the same way. We should all seek happiness and desire peace.
Anonymous, at 8:31 PM, January 05, 2006
PS. I have a lot of respect for the person Jesus Christ. I have read enough to know he was really gifted at loving the poor. If I actually saw christians who were as good like him, then maybe I would even be more interested in learning more about the christian faith, but in my opinion it's a lot of negative energy feeling all bad about yourself and pointing out other peoples weaknesses and giving up stuff that makes you feel happy, so I was turned away at a pretty young age.
Anonymous, at 8:36 PM, January 05, 2006
Weeping Willow, You're right, we all DO have things in common and sometimes we're too blind to see that. I have struggled with some of the same issues you mention in your PS. However, not all Christians are negative fault-finders. Many are loving, accepting and open-minded toward new ideas and different opinions. Some Christians do have misconceptions about pagans and that's not beneficial. Keep an open mind toward Christians too, you might be pleasantly surprised at what you find. :o)
Trailady, at 7:24 AM, January 06, 2006
I like your new blog Karl. Its nice to see you step outside the box. I knew you had it in you. I enjoyed your other blog too, still read it. The other one seems like a morning devotional though. Not that theres anything wrong with that. Its your space. But this one seems to have independent intelligent thought and personality, not spoon-fed rhetoric. Sometimes you have to be careful what you ask for though. I'm not sure you want me or my opinions in your space, but you did invite me, knowing me and how I feel about things. So I'm taking you at face value, the same way I want to be taken. I have to commend you on this blog. I knew you still had opinions and feelings other than what your Sabbath School lesson feeds you. I know that God and your church are VERY big parts of your life. And thats great if thats where your heart is. Its great to find where you belong. But when I knew you you were a passionate, creative, artistic, philosophical ,wonderful deep person, who loved god immensely, but who also allowed yourself to express and enjoy all the wonderful things and aspects of life. You have a soul that has so much potential. That is why we were close. Back then God wasn't your only emotion. Don't you believe that God has put so many wonderful things out there for us to experience and talk about? I really don't think he is so insecure that he has to be constantly reassured of our love by it being the only thing we ever talk about. Come on, this is god were talking about here. The Almighty, right? He intended for us to be complex beings that think about lots of things.
It really seemed like you had been reduced to robot status. Sheep status.
I knew you were still in there.
And I would love for you to be part of my space too. All comments and thoughts welcome. I invite you to my blog too.
Fallen Angel, at 4:22 PM, January 07, 2006
Weepingwillow do you have a blog??
I am fallenangel's husband, my name is Royce.
I am neither christian nor am I "pagan" ( and yes, I know that is a catch-all phrase used by right-wing christians, hence the quotation marks.)
Royce, at 8:03 PM, January 09, 2006
Weepingwillow - I would love to know more about your beliefs. I recently asked questions regarding pagans and wicca on my blog. I would love to find out more about all of it, and for you to visit my blog. Please come, I invite you to answer my question.
Very Sincerely,
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel, at 9:11 AM, January 12, 2006
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