Pat - Sit Down and Be Quiet!
Ok, this is a bit of a rant. So sorry. I would like to call for Pat Robertson to cease and desist from all public comments. His latest, about Ariel Sharon's stroke being a judgement of God, reveal, not only an insensitivity that is totally antithetical to the teachings and practice of the Jesus that he claims to follow, but also a total misunderstanding and misapplication of Bible prophecy. Hey, Pat! The Jewish nation, as a whole, rejected Christ. Individual Jews are still able to be part of God's chosen people, but Israel no longer has this special title. That belongs to every believer in Jesus Christ. Prophetically, the world doesn't revolve around Jerusalem any longer.
This Wednesday, he sent a letter of apology to Mr. Sharon's son. He stated that "My concern for the future safety of your nation led me to make remarks which I can now view in retrospect as inappropriate and insensitive in light of a national grief experienced because of your father's illness. I ask your forgiveness and the forgiveness of the people of Israel."
This comes a few months after he said that the US should change it's policy regarding assasinating a foriegn leader. For which he also had to issue a clarification and apology. This from a man who claims to be a follower of the Prince of Peace? I just praise God that Pat's attempts at becoming the President of the United States have failed. Imagine if he had been elected!
Mr. Robertson - sit down and be quiet!
This Wednesday, he sent a letter of apology to Mr. Sharon's son. He stated that "My concern for the future safety of your nation led me to make remarks which I can now view in retrospect as inappropriate and insensitive in light of a national grief experienced because of your father's illness. I ask your forgiveness and the forgiveness of the people of Israel."
This comes a few months after he said that the US should change it's policy regarding assasinating a foriegn leader. For which he also had to issue a clarification and apology. This from a man who claims to be a follower of the Prince of Peace? I just praise God that Pat's attempts at becoming the President of the United States have failed. Imagine if he had been elected!
Mr. Robertson - sit down and be quiet!
He also blamed 9-11 attacks on the towers as God's indignative judgement because gays were employed there. I feel sorry for Pat, he seems to have a knack for putting his foot in his mouth. (I've been guilty of that on several occasions.) I'm glad he apologized.
Trailady, at 11:21 AM, January 13, 2006
True poor Pat just cant seem to get it right. I think he tries too hard. We all make mistakes. Come on, admit it! My question, is it any better for some people to go around labeling other believers who arent in thier church as "apostates"? Isnt that just as unfeeling and opinoinated?
Anonymous, at 7:55 PM, January 13, 2006
Good point sloopy. Although, I don't think that Pat's comments are just mistakes. His apologies are good politics. His original statements are his true beliefs and feelings and, thus, those he teaches to those who follow him. I'm not sure who it is who is labeling other believers as such. An apostate is not one who believes differently than someone else. An apostate is one who has willingly rejected clear Bible truth and is unwilling to admit the error.
MovinMan, at 8:16 PM, January 13, 2006
Sloopy, I would encourage you, first to study your Bible a little better regarding the Sunday-Sabbath issue. A good website for this is As far as apostate, I do not believe that everyone who does not believe the same as me is an apostate. If you read my previous response, I said that it is those who knowingly reject clear Bible truth. If, for instance, someone knows that the Bible teaches that a person is saved by grace through faith in the merits of Jesus' sacrifice ALONE. If they are shown over and over the multitudes of texts that clearly show this, and yet they still belive and teach that there are activities and sacrifices and peannances that we can do to earn salvation, I would say that those individuals are apostate. Would you never call anyone apostate?
MovinMan, at 8:33 PM, January 13, 2006
No I would not call anyone apostate. Its not mine or any other persons place to label others or sterotype them. Only God knows thier hearts and where they are in the Spirit. Again, what is "clear Biblical truth" to you may not be so clear to someone else yet that doesnt mean they love God any less. There are some people who may die before they know all the truth there is. Thats why we have grace and eternity to learn. Many things I do not understand, but I trust that someday I will and things will be made clear. We should all keep that in mind.
Anonymous, at 6:15 PM, January 14, 2006
I'm gonna have to agree with sloopy on this one. Karl, you tried to make a difference between an apostate and someone who simply believes different than you. Really, isn't that the same thing to you? Since the 4th commandment tells us to keep the "Sabbath", the 7th day, doesn't that make anyone who worhips on Sunday, the baptists, the catholics, the mormons, the non-denominational religions who believe Sunday is the Sabbath, doesn't that make all of those people apostates? Are you or are you not calling non-Sabbath keeping people apostates?
I think the term apostate should be used by God and God alone. When you use it it makes you sound very judgemental. Only god knows what is in our hearts. Just because I disagree with your beliefs does not mean I clearly and purposefully reject something God clearly tells me. Just because you see something clearly in the scriptures and I do not see it clearly does not mean you are right. If the Bible were that easy to interpret there wouldn't be so many religions and different interpretations of it. Everybody thinks they are right because of how THEY interpret the Bible. I think people pick a religion depending on which one works for them, whichever interpretation works for them. Look around - its true.
As far as Pat Robertson goes, as I said on my blog, what a fucking idiot. Enough said. I can't believe there are so many "christians" that let him speak for them. You know the more Pat talks, the more things become REALLY clear to me, which is kind of ironic.
I think you are right though that he only apologized for damage control. Those were his true feelings. And you know he's got his thing. Everybody has their thing. Everybody. Everyone has a vice. It'll be fun to see what his is someday. After all the judgemental comments he has made, it will be fun to see him tumble from the pedestal he put himself on. Its called karma.
Fallen Angel, at 10:51 PM, January 14, 2006
One of the cool things about this country is freedom of speech, Mr. Robertson should be allowed to say whatever he likes, but his comments remind me of a comedians assesment of people who put fake bullit holes on their vehicles as adornments. and I paraphrase " The thing about being an idiot is that everybody will eventually figure out you are an idiot, they just shouldn't be able to do it from 50 feet away in the dark." Thanks to the power of television everybody knows he is an idiot even from 10,000 miles away!!!!!
Royce, at 1:21 AM, January 15, 2006
I agree with Fallen Angel- things aren't as cut and dried as some like to make it. "Believe clear Biblical truth like me or you're an Apostate" just doesn't cut the mustard. Clear according to whom? The Spirit is working in the hearts of men to woo them. There are many races, cultures and churches out there who are sincerely living all the truth they know. (It may not be what we know, but they are no lower than us in God's eyes or any less precious.) We get in trouble when we jump the gun on prophecy or put words in God's mouth- we need to be careful... I agree Sloopy, we may not have the press coverage that Pat gets, but some of the things we say might be as hurtful. Christians are told to agree as far as possible with other men and avoid stirring up discord wherever possible. The Gospel of Peace breaks down every wall. How quickly we build those walls back up again by taking a hard stand on every dividing issue, instead of focusing on what we have in common.
Trailady, at 7:39 AM, January 15, 2006
Yes, Pat's comments about Areil Sharon were unfortunate. And yes, this is simply the latest in a series of unfortunate comments from this Christian leader. I'm reminded of a comment from Jesus in Matthew 7:1-2, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." That's pretty sobering to me because the same severity or intensity with which I judge others will be used to judge me. I think we often confuse discernment with judgement. It's one thing to sense the difference between right and wrong (discernment) but another thing altogether to pass sentence on that discernment (judgement). I don't agree with Pat, and I certainly hope he's not viewed as speaking for the majority of Christians, but I'm not ready to step into God's shoes and announce a verdict. For me to do so would be arrogant and hypocritical. How would that be any different from the comment in question?
Anonymous, at 8:20 AM, January 15, 2006
Come on, Karl you wrote, "OK, let's get this straight, Christ was not born at Christmas time. It was a PAGAN holiday that the apostate church "sanctified" in order to help the pagans feel more comfortable coming to church." YOU used the term apostate. Which apostate church are you referring to? Catholics?? Its obvious your entire view of religous history is based only on what SDAs taught you to think. Can you not think and investigate for yourself or does your church also claim to have the only clear view of history? Based on the best of my knowlege, Sunday was never about catering to pagans as you say. It was to celebrate resurrection and to set Christians apart from Jews. Dont just take someone else word for it.
Anonymous, at 8:27 AM, January 15, 2006
Very well spoken sloopy.
Fallen Angel, at 9:30 AM, January 15, 2006
Sloopy said, "Which apostate church are you referring to? Catholics?? Its obvious your entire view of religous history is based only on what SDAs taught you to think."
Let's see, Martin Luther, Jerome, Huss, Sir Issac Newton, Tyndale, Wycliffe, and millions of martyrs, for all their differences, had a few things in common. One of those was they all believed and taught that, as a church, not individuals, the Catholic church was in apostacy. Where do we get the term protestant from? Those who PROTEST the APOSTACY of the church. In saying this, I am in very good company. The sad thing is that so many Christians who claim to be protestant aren't.
MovinMan, at 10:57 AM, January 15, 2006
OK, but how do you know that? Do you ever attend other protestant churches? Do you ever join in some of our services to see if we are all phony sell outs? How many friends and how much influence do you have outside your own church? Protestants left Catholic faith because of clear excesses in the teachings. Because of indulgenses, infant baptism, confessional, rejection of the Pope as equal with Christ, etc. We did and still do see areas that need reform.
Anonymous, at 11:16 AM, January 15, 2006
Sloopy, yes, I do take part in worship at other churches. I don't think that I ever said that I thought you were a sellout or phony. You mentioned the excesses in the Catholic church. What you call excesses, historical protestants have always called apostacy. There is a really good website I'd like to recommend.
MovinMan, at 11:25 AM, January 15, 2006
Thanks, but I do my own study of history and the Bible. I dont need anyone elses slant on things. Everybody has an agenda for something. I just want truth and I found it in the person of Jesus Christ.
Anonymous, at 11:51 AM, January 25, 2006
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