
31 March 2006

Incredible Pictures from Space

One of the things I absolutely love is to look at all of the incredible pictures taken by terrestrial and space-based telescopes (Hubble). Around Christmas I put together a DVD with a bunch of these images and put the music Gloria by John Rutter in the background. It was, I must say, inspiring. (If any of you have high-speed internet and would like a wmv or avi of it, let me know.) The image above struck me the most. The image of power behind the unintentional image of the cross. The fact that apex of the X is on the cross. As in a treasure map, X truly does mark the spot where the treasure is found. Lastly, the fact that the cross and what happened there are bigger than all of space and are the central focus of all that has ever been and all that ever will be. Even if you don't believe in Jesus as the savior of the world, it still should be a powerful image to you. Enjoy!!

Don't Blame Me

If you miss the day, don't blame me. You should read my blog more regularly. Course, if you are a parent, aunt, uncle or have ever been a babysitter you should already know. It is THIS SUNDAY, April 2. What is this famous day that, supposedly we should all know? It is the national Peanut Butter and Jelly Day. That's right, PB&J Day. If you missed it already, hey you are forgiven. As punishment, go make yourself a sandwich and enjoy.

Oh, how long have I known about this? About 6 hours as of when I am writing this. Guess I have some major punishment in store. Course, the thought of 35 sandwiches is quite overwhelming. Guess I'll have to pay my debt - you guessed it - one bite at a time.

Now, you go have a great day and practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.

29 March 2006


Spring is here in the Ozarks. The trees are starting to leaf out. The flowers are blooming everywhere and the bees are beginning to make honey again. Cool! I wish I could bottle it all up and send it to you. And yet, with all this beauty and loveliness, I can't help but long ever more for Heaven and an earth re-created. An earth with no disease, no stinging wasps (which are also out in abundance), no IRS, no sadness, no war, no misunderstandings, no anger, no exhaustion, no pollution causing vehicles, no cigarettes or any other drugs, no splinters, no poison ivy, no ticks, no misquitos, no deadlines except for the wonderful weekly Sabbath.

I know that some will not agree with this, but what I see in all of the natural disasters and strange weather patterns is that God is allowing this world to get less and less appealing so I will be more and more ready for the return of Jesus. The tsunami in Asia, earthquake in Pakistan, Katrina-Rita, a record number of days with no rain in Phoenix, record snows, flooding in places around the world, talk of a new dustbowl in the midwest, record numbers of tornados, extreme amounts of rain in Hawaii, etc., etc., etc. The severe weather has NEVER been so widespread and in such quick succession.

Jesus IS coming soon. I can hardly wait.

No More Polls

Your voices have been heard. No more polls - though I find them extremely interesting.
