Incredible Pictures from Space

One of the things I absolutely love is to look at all of the incredible pictures taken by terrestrial and space-based telescopes (Hubble). Around Christmas I put together a DVD with a bunch of these images and put the music Gloria by John Rutter in the background. It was, I must say, inspiring. (If any of you have high-speed internet and would like a wmv or avi of it, let me know.) The image above struck me the most. The image of power behind the unintentional image of the cross. The fact that apex of the X is on the cross. As in a treasure map, X truly does mark the spot where the treasure is found. Lastly, the fact that the cross and what happened there are bigger than all of space and are the central focus of all that has ever been and all that ever will be. Even if you don't believe in Jesus as the savior of the world, it still should be a powerful image to you. Enjoy!!