
04 August 2006

Stepping Back

I have not posted here on for oh, so long. Life has been so deperately busy. Now, my wife and I (and our kids) have decided that for our sanity and the strength of our family, we must take a step back from the rat race of life, take a breath, and regroup. We're deciding that if we are going to do it, we are going to do it together. I've become so weary with the kids with Daddy and Mommy somewhere else or vice versa or some of the kids with one of us and the rest with the other. We've become tired of a life that sometimes has us communicating more on IM or by reading each others blogs than we do face to face. This new journey has just begun, but already we can notice a difference. During the past year, we both held multiple offices at our church. This year, we declined any positions and, actually, have moved our memberships to a different church where we can be as much or as little involved as we feel we are able to be. Pray for us in this persuit. If you and your family have made similar decisions and changes, please let me know the result.


  • GOOD FOR YOU, KARL!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys. :o) Somehow, as Christians we seem to get caught up in feeling like if we aren't swamped with duties we're letting God down. However, our first ministry is always to our families. No use holding offices in every capacity if our own dear children feel neglected and turn away from God because of our neglect. So I APPLAUD your decision and give you two thumbs WAY up!! :o)

    By Blogger Trailady, at 8:32 PM, August 07, 2006  

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