The big "J"
Ahh, the big "j" word. "Judgemental" Some ideas are just not to be touched. Some thoughts are not allowed. Some opinions go so against the majority that they become unacceptable. How dare anyone call anyone else an apostate. Question for all. If you are a Bible believing Christian, is there ANY way to Heaven except by grace through faith in Christ? Do any of our works have any merit in securing our salvation however sincerely those deeds are done?
I don't know Karl. You talk about "judgemantal." You ask some pretty tough questions. Are you ready to answer some tough questions? Some really tough questions? I have a couple.
Or is this just another feel-good, god is love, nothing should ever make me feel uncomfortable, always stay in the box blog?
Or is this where you back down?
Got a couple questions.
Fallen Angel, at 9:35 AM, January 15, 2006
At times it seem to be more of a boxing ring, but sure, go ahead. But, can you answer the questions posed?
MovinMan, at 9:41 AM, January 15, 2006
I'll try to. As best I can. All honesty here.
First of all, I don't know if I really can answer the question, cause I'm not sure I'm a Bible believing Christian any more. Thats who you are asking, and I'm not really in that category anymore. In fact I know I'm not, when I really think about it, and you are making me think about it right now. So I'm not sure you are talking to me.
But I'll give you my answer anyhow.
As far as the Bible goes, as I understand it, there is no way to gain salvation by any works. The only way to recieve God's gift of salvation is by accepting his sacrifice. His perfect life lived in our place, and his death on the cross that covered our sins. I believe works have merit, but not in securing salvation. Jesus did that when he died, and only he COULD do that. I believe that sincere works are a product of what is in your heart, not anything that can earn your salvation. I have works. I don't talk about them alot. They are personal between me and whoever they involve, but they are sincere and very heartfelt. I think I have a big capacity for darkness, because I in turn have a huge capacity for love. But nothing I do will earn anything. And thats not why I do anything. In return, just as works can not save you, I also believe they can not condemn you. Works have nothing to do with salvation. They are a bi-product of love.
So my answer is no. No works can earn salvation. Only Jesus' sacrifice can.
Thats my answer.
Fallen Angel, at 10:02 AM, January 15, 2006
Saved by Grace, through Faith alone. Our work is to believe in the One God sent and look to Him for Salvation. How is judging ever beneficial? Are there behaviors that are harmful to health & hurtful to relationships? YES and we need to try and avoid those things. Can I decide what other people should do, NO. I can only live my life as I feel convicted and hope that by being a friend they will come to understand how greatly they are loved.
Trailady, at 12:57 PM, January 15, 2006
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