Movie Review/Recommendation
I think I'll take a break from what appears to be contentious postings to suggest a movie for you to watch. Last night the family and I ate pizza and watched "Rabbit-Proof Fence." What a movie. It's a thought-provoking movie based on a true story about 3 little girls in Australia who were taken away from their mother because they were half white and half aborigine. They escaped from the "school" they were taken to "to properly train them" and walked 1,500 miles to get home. Very inspiring. The racism that it showed was so terrible. Even our 3 and 4 year olds watched it and asked questions. Really opened the door to talk about racism and how bad it is. One of the stars is Kenneth Branaugh, one of my favorite actors. If you do watch it, make sure you watch the beginning of the credits at the end. It tells the rest of the story. Amazing, amazing, amazing.
Hey, we have seen that film and very much enjoyed it. Makes you think...
Trailady, at 11:08 AM, January 16, 2006
I abhor racism in any form, you should also see The Power of One, it is a true story about a white boy who befriends native africans, and the treatment of the native people by the Afrakkaners ( white people of dutch decent who were in control of south africa for many years ) it is heartbreaking.
Royce, at 8:25 PM, January 16, 2006
Royce, thanks for the suggestion. I'll have to look that movie up as well.
MovinMan, at 5:43 PM, January 22, 2006
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