Political Stand
Just in case anyone was wondering where I stand politically - I have been a registered Republican ever since I began to vote. My belief system more closely follows the platform of that party. Morally, I could not be a part of a political party that condones abortion-on-demand and late-term abortions. I just do not agree with the position that abortion is OK because it is a woman's body and she can do with it what she wants. From the time the sperm and the egg combine and begin to divide, there is a new DNA, unique, different than the mother. To me that is a NEW life. Another reason is that, as far as I know, the entire birth process - the timing, the contractions, etc., is controlled, not by the mother, but by the placenta. It produces chemicals that trigger physical changes in the mother. To me that is another proof that this incredibly complex organism is it's own person. I believe that the baby has rights, even before it is born.
For these, and other reasons, I have been a Republican.
HOWEVER, during the past 5 years, I have seen the steady, seemingly intentional erosion of individual rights, such as privacy. The Patriot Act, which President Bush says is necessary in the war on terror, can easily be used on ANY group that the government deems a threat. I have known too many politicians to put any real faith or trust in them to be truthful or trustworthy. And the higher the office, the less I trust them. In the Republican Party as a whole, there continues to seem to be a push to move this country to a form of Theocratic Democracy, where everyone will have to conform to their values and morals. That is not of God and not Biblical.
In a recent sermon I preached at my church from the book of 1 Samuel, I related how King Saul, had been told by the prophet Samuel to wait for his arrival before they went out to battle the enemy army that greatly outnumbered them. Saul waited the week he was supposed to, but Samuel did not come. Then Saul, a civil King of God's chosen people who God selected Himself, took on the role of a priest and led out in the sacrifical service. When Samuel did arrive, he told Saul that what he had done was not according to God's will. Even Saul, with his background, was not appropriate to lead out in a worship service. I fear that many Christian's in politics and even in the church, are wanting to make the mistake that Saul did.
Anyway, for those and other reasons, in the last election, I voted Libertarian.
For these, and other reasons, I have been a Republican.
HOWEVER, during the past 5 years, I have seen the steady, seemingly intentional erosion of individual rights, such as privacy. The Patriot Act, which President Bush says is necessary in the war on terror, can easily be used on ANY group that the government deems a threat. I have known too many politicians to put any real faith or trust in them to be truthful or trustworthy. And the higher the office, the less I trust them. In the Republican Party as a whole, there continues to seem to be a push to move this country to a form of Theocratic Democracy, where everyone will have to conform to their values and morals. That is not of God and not Biblical.
In a recent sermon I preached at my church from the book of 1 Samuel, I related how King Saul, had been told by the prophet Samuel to wait for his arrival before they went out to battle the enemy army that greatly outnumbered them. Saul waited the week he was supposed to, but Samuel did not come. Then Saul, a civil King of God's chosen people who God selected Himself, took on the role of a priest and led out in the sacrifical service. When Samuel did arrive, he told Saul that what he had done was not according to God's will. Even Saul, with his background, was not appropriate to lead out in a worship service. I fear that many Christian's in politics and even in the church, are wanting to make the mistake that Saul did.
Anyway, for those and other reasons, in the last election, I voted Libertarian.
I usually vote Libertarian also, and with no religious pre-conception, I believe abortion for birth control-convienance is tantamount to murder. I have had some intelligent conversations with Barb though, and I am stuck on a few issues ( one of very few issues I don't have a very defined opinion )What would you do in the case of rape babies, or incest babies, should the mother have to carry the baby and relive the incident over and over every time she has to do anything regarding pregnancy??? What happens if it is a rape baby and the mother is like 13, and her body just is not ready yet??? It is still a life, and I know Jehovahs Witnesses think no abortion under any circumsatnce is justifiable, even tubal pregnancies where the mother and baby will probably die. But where do the mothers rights end and the babies begin in extreme cases. I have not reached a definate conclusion. I suspect the only way I could is if one of the girls was in that situation, so I hope with all my heart I will never have to decide!!!! ( I like Libertarian politics especially on taxation, I like Democrats view on foriegn affairs and the enviroment so I usually end up voting for the lesser of two evils!! )
Royce, at 12:27 PM, February 05, 2006
I vote for the best man- not loyal to one party or another. I've worked with Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the past. Last stats I read say pregnancy from rape is under 10%, so it's pretty low. To kill a child that is half ME because I was raped makes NO sense. My man & I would love that child! The majority of women seek abortions either because they're ashamed or because a baby would be inconvenient for them. If the mother's life is in danger or the girl is quite young- like the 13 yr. old you mentioned- that's a whole different story. People can preach abstinance- which makes sense, but realistically, we have sex drives and fallible judgement. We're not always very responsible, so what happens in a moment of weakness? If people would STOP making girls feel so ashamed when they get pregnant, maybe there would be less abortions? Making laws against it doesn't solve the problem. Getting involved, offering loving support to these ladies is one of the most powerful ways to decrease abortion rates. Also, many small towns in rural areas have NOTHING for young people to do for recreation. Then people wonder why these kids end up "doing it" in the backseat of a car on some back road... I've asked the same question as Royce many times as I have 3 beautiful girls. If they make a mistake & get pregnant- I'm not going to kick them out of the house or force them to marry some wet-behind-the-ears boyfriend.
Trailady, at 3:18 PM, February 05, 2006
trailady, I absolutely agree, I grew up in a small town in Texas. They did not and would not have sex ed in the schools because " that is the parents job " what happens if the parents aren't invovled?? The teen pregnancy rate was over twice the national average in a town of 6000, and the girls were tormented by anyone in town who saw them!!! Sad, Sad, Sad.
Royce, at 10:13 PM, February 06, 2006
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