Tax Time Again at Disney World

Ever notice that when you put THE and IRS together it spells - THEIRS!
Q: What's a difference between you and members of congress?
A: When their hands get cold they put them in YOUR pockets.
Q: What's a difference between you and members of congress?
A: When their hands get cold they put them in YOUR pockets.
I hope Pixar will forgive me for borrowing and twisting a line from the modern classic Finding Nemo. "Um, excuse me, we're looking for the EIC." (As in Earned Income Child Credit) And like the movie, as you're doing your taxes, swim through the trench, not over it!!!!
And speaking of Pixar, they have produced some really great movies, and used Disney/Buena Vista for distribution. The Pixar company environment has really added to the creativity and production of some fantastic movies. But big bad Mickey doesn't like that the little upstart doesn't think they need him anymore and is looking to buy the whole company. Hey, Tinkerbell, please tell the suits on the board that there is plenty of magic to go around. Let Pixar do what they do best and you do what you do best - whatever that is. (Oh, maybe that is why you want them. You've lost some of your magic.)
I beg your apologies for the sarcasm.
Pixar makes great films! Loved both Toy Storys. Finding Nemo was a GREAT little story! :o)
Trailady, at 9:53 AM, January 25, 2006
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