5 Scientific Reasons to Doubt Evolution
1. It is an established scientific fact that life cannot originate from non-living matter (the Law of Biogenesis).
2. The chemical evolution of life is impossible. No scientist has ever advanced a testable procedure by which this could occur. The Miller-Urey experiment, still shown in many current textbooks, has been proven to be irrelevant.
3. Mendel's Laws of Genetics limit the variations in a species. Different combinations of genes are formed, but not different genes. Breeding experiments and common observations have also confirmed that genetic boundaries exist.
4. Acquired characteristics cannot be inherited. For example, the long necks of giraffes did not result from their ancestors stretching their necks to reach high leaves, nor does a man in a weight-lifting program pass his well-developed muscles on to his child. No mechanism exists whereby the altered behavior of an organism, in an attempt to adapt to its environment, will produce a genetic change in its offspring.
5. Genetic mutations have never made a creature more viable than its ancestors. Mutations are almost always harmful, and many are lethal. More than 90 years of fruit fly experiments, involving 3,000 successive generations, give absolutely no basis for believing that any natural or artificial process can cause an increase in complexity and viability.
2. The chemical evolution of life is impossible. No scientist has ever advanced a testable procedure by which this could occur. The Miller-Urey experiment, still shown in many current textbooks, has been proven to be irrelevant.
3. Mendel's Laws of Genetics limit the variations in a species. Different combinations of genes are formed, but not different genes. Breeding experiments and common observations have also confirmed that genetic boundaries exist.
4. Acquired characteristics cannot be inherited. For example, the long necks of giraffes did not result from their ancestors stretching their necks to reach high leaves, nor does a man in a weight-lifting program pass his well-developed muscles on to his child. No mechanism exists whereby the altered behavior of an organism, in an attempt to adapt to its environment, will produce a genetic change in its offspring.
5. Genetic mutations have never made a creature more viable than its ancestors. Mutations are almost always harmful, and many are lethal. More than 90 years of fruit fly experiments, involving 3,000 successive generations, give absolutely no basis for believing that any natural or artificial process can cause an increase in complexity and viability.
Like you said, there are well respected scientist on either side of the debate, with loads of data to back themselves up, for instance, in biology I was taught when you make an adaptation such as weightlifting, succeeding generations will adapt easier, and who knows who is right. I personally like the true scientific approach, gather data, then form a theory. Most people do the oppisite, form theory, then try to look for evidence of the theory. Like religion, how many religions have gone before us and will be after us, why is christianity right and hindi wrong, they have prophecies that come true, their prophets performed miracles ect....My belief system is based on what ( limited knowledge I have of evidence, like neanderthals ( whos dna shows they are not human ) and their practices show they were sentient.
I did not wake up one day and say hhhmmmm......ok todays agenda, fix flat tire on bike
go to work
take girlfriend out
abandon all my childhood beliefs
Instead I asked question, for many years, like who decides what rules to follow in a religion, like JW's, the bible plainly says that women have to wear their hair long as a head covering in respect to god. They ( rightly so ) said that was cultural, and we don't need to follow that. But A male CANNOT have a beard something "God" gave him. Every religion, every one, has fundamental differences in their holy books, they have different sects and offshoots, Barb told me about a couple of guys almost coming to blows over scripture in your church ( hope that wasn't you, if so my face will be red ). But every church claims their beleifs are from God, be it Jehovah, The Trinity, Shakti&Shiva, or some of the more esoteric gods in Shinto. When a religion can seamlessly incorporate modern scientific evidence, have a holy book that is beyond dispute because the true "god, ruler, creator, force, energy" inspired it or wrote it, then i will lookat the religion. For intance, I studied under a tibetan Buhdast monk, and Karl she had powers, One of their core beleifs is karma, not how americans see karma, but this. We are all products of reincarnation, and what we do in one lifetime affects us in the next ie if I stab someone in my lifetime I will be stabed in my next, because our soul never changes it just moves to different bodies we carry the imprint of our past deeds and only by that imprint being there can we have the same things happen to us, there is no random acts in their religion, So I posed the question, how did the FIRST act of intrapersonal violence take place, she could not tell me, DO'OH scratch budahism. God is supposedly perfect, yes, man is imperfect, yes, This leads me to beleive religion was create by Man not god because all religion is imperfect. Untill I can rectify those issues, I will beleive in what I can touch, feel, look at, and scientifically examine.
However I absolutely have a newfound respect for you, almost to a t every religous leader or religion has told me when I posed my questions, well you have to have faith after all, it is written in the ( bible, koran, holy writings of the cossack mage. ect ) you are among the very few to actually do research instead of spout dogma. VERY VERY COOL
Royce, at 9:05 AM, January 30, 2006
Oh and by the way, if God only created Adam and Eve, how did all the races come to exist, maybe adaptations passed down to the next generations??? Dark skinned people living in very sunny enviroments, Large build people where protein is abundant, just because they say there is no mechanism for passing along adaptations does not mean there is not, "they" have not found it yet, but I can plainly see it, when pygmies stand next to Norsemen, if these peoples were isolated for 8 or ten million years what would happen??? I don't know, but the current trend indicates something might happen. After all it took people several hundred yaers to figure out how a bumblebee flew, it is mechanically "impossible" yet there they go. the motion of the wings create a vortex above each wing, the vortex pulles the bee forward and up, the sole purpose of the wing is to create and direct the vortex. Mechanical engineers had to re-write theories on what is possible and not. Find evidence first then look for answers, don't hold pre-concieved notions notions and try to prove them.....again my approach
Royce, at 9:20 AM, January 30, 2006
Interesting thoughts, Royce!! It really doesn't matter what belief a person embraces- whether it be Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, etc. All require a degree of faith or blind trust. Christians can't "prove" God exists. Atheists cannot "prove" He doesn't exist. There is enough "evidence" either way to "prove" or "disprove" either side. Many times we see what we want to see. I've done my share of searching too. I believe in God, not because of Science, or some great preacher. I believe in Him, because my heart is changing and I couldn't change myself. I was angry, hateful & afraid. I'm now happier, healthier, learning how to love and my spirit is learning how to fly! A great lady in history was once asked, "What if you lived as a Christian all your life and in the end there is no God?" to which she replied, "Then my life is still better for trying to love as He loved." People of many persuasions have great respect for Jesus Christ. He truly was amazing!
Trailady, at 6:26 PM, January 31, 2006
Science is always disputable and everyone has "facts" that seem to change every decade or so. Thats why its not much good to try and prove God that way.
Anonymous, at 7:24 PM, January 31, 2006
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