Your eyes are quicker than anyone ever thought.
For you to see an image, a huge number of chemical and electrical reactions must take place in sequence. Science still does not fully understand all the reactions. Science does know that each set of chemical or electrical reactions must take place in a sequence that leads to the next set of reactions. Obviously each of these reactions in the chain must take place extremely rapidly for us to see what is happening while it is still happening.
Researchers have been studying how quickly light causes the first chemical changes in the eye that finally lead to you seeing an image. This type of chemical change is called a photochemical reaction. Photochemical reactions are the basis of photographic prints. However, the photochemical reactions that result in a printed photograph take place much more slowly than the photochemical reactions in your eye. Now, for the first time, scientists have timed the first photochemical reaction in the eye. They have found that the eye's photochemistry is among the fastest ever studied. They report that the first reaction takes place in 200 thousandths of one thousandth of a millionth of a second!
Clearly the many chemical and electrical operations involved in sight could not have developed by trial and error, step by step, over huge spans of time. Our Creator has given us the ability to see so that we could see His handiwork in the creation. Even the process by which we see clearly shows the excellence of His work!
For you to see an image, a huge number of chemical and electrical reactions must take place in sequence. Science still does not fully understand all the reactions. Science does know that each set of chemical or electrical reactions must take place in a sequence that leads to the next set of reactions. Obviously each of these reactions in the chain must take place extremely rapidly for us to see what is happening while it is still happening.
Researchers have been studying how quickly light causes the first chemical changes in the eye that finally lead to you seeing an image. This type of chemical change is called a photochemical reaction. Photochemical reactions are the basis of photographic prints. However, the photochemical reactions that result in a printed photograph take place much more slowly than the photochemical reactions in your eye. Now, for the first time, scientists have timed the first photochemical reaction in the eye. They have found that the eye's photochemistry is among the fastest ever studied. They report that the first reaction takes place in 200 thousandths of one thousandth of a millionth of a second!
Clearly the many chemical and electrical operations involved in sight could not have developed by trial and error, step by step, over huge spans of time. Our Creator has given us the ability to see so that we could see His handiwork in the creation. Even the process by which we see clearly shows the excellence of His work!
Definitely an amazing organ SO complex, it's virtually impossible for me to believe it just evolved over decades to be what it is today. If the first creatures of evolution couldn't see, they wouldn't have lasted very long. How would they find food? How would they find a mate who just happened to evolve with just the proper organs to reproduce before they both died. They would have become extinct before the eye ever evolved.
Trailady, at 12:27 PM, January 24, 2006
there are several species of animals today that are totally blind, and they function quite well, ( cave dwelling salamanders, cave crickets, shrews ect ) I know fundamental christians deny the fossil record, however it is like saying that space travel is impossible because the bible said The heaven belongs to god. In fact EVERY time science and christianity has clashes science has always been proven right. Fundamental christians at the turn of the century said dinosaurs skeletons were just a few mutated animals because the bible said that god would not let a sparrow fall in the fields without knowing about, do either of you doubt dinosaurs existed if you beleived in them in the mid to late 1800 you could be excomunicated ( from any christian religion ) the bible also says that the sun revolves around the earth, Gallileo almost stood trial for disputing this, do you think we are the center of the solar system.
The Neander valley in Germany is the sight of as many as 20,000 unearthed family units of Neanderthals, all buried within certain religious protocols, certain rites, there are thousands of tools, pottery examples ect, not made by human hands. period. look it up. As christianity in the past has recognized that science is right so will the religion as a whole have to realize it in the future or it will not survive. Would you attend a church where they taught the world was flat.
Royce, at 6:13 PM, January 24, 2006
http://www.trussel.com/prehist/news27.htm, this is a link where they have done genetic studies on neanderthals ( very hard to do genetic studies on something that does not exist, agreed ), it shows what the fossil record shows, neanderthals were a competing species that went extinct because hominid species adapted to hunting better, i.e. hominids developed weapons that were more efficient and added more meat into their diet. Hey, you wanted controversy.
Royce, at 6:25 PM, January 24, 2006
http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/archaeology/sites/europe/neanderthal.html, also this religous, sentient, intelligent race went extinct, why didn't god love them???
Royce, at 6:30 PM, January 24, 2006
This is going to be an area that we will have to agree to disagree. There are thousands of qualified, reputable scientists in all disciplines that are absolutely conviced from the scientific discoveries in their various fields, that it is absolutely impossible for life as we know it on this planet to have just evoloved. Hundreds more are joining them each year. I did visit the sites regarding the Neander Valley. However, nothing there shows evidence of macro-evolution. I do believe that animals and plants can and do adapt to changes in environment. However, never has any solid evidence been discovered of any changes from one species to another. That is why it is still called the "missing" link. I know that it will remain missing. Do I know this just from my Bible? No. I know this from science that proves it.
Oh, regarding the Bible teaching that the sun revolves around the earth, that is no where in the Bible. It is true that in the past, parts of the Christian church erroneously believed that, but it did not come from the scriptures.
Darwin originally taught that the early fetus looked similar to a tadpole and chaged into a froglike creature before becoming human in form. I don't hear anyone who believes in evolution, to the exclusion of all other possibility, ready to throw out the entire theory because one part of the belief has been proven incorrect. And yet, that is what is done with Christianity and the Bible.
I believe my Bible had it right all along when David said that God knit him together in his mother's womb.
Another place in the Bible it says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. With every new discovery, science backs that up, not disproves it.
MovinMan, at 8:33 PM, January 24, 2006
I definitely do believe dinosaurs existed! Also I believe in adaptation & a vast differentiation of species over time. (I've met a few people that look like neanderthals.) HA HA Certain races do seem to have vanished- perhaps due to a catastrophe like the tsunami or a flood? I just have a hard time believing in the evolutionary time frame. If it takes thousands of years for an eye or reproductive organs to evolve, then the first evolved creatures would have to live that long in order for it to happen... Kinda hard to believe all this stuff just happened by chance... a man & a woman and all the other creatures fit together so well in order to reproduce. DNA is a fascinating, complex code. I'm no expert on bioscience, but what I have studied is pretty amazing stuff! Seriously though, even my atheist teachers in public school had a hard time comprehending how the eye would have evolved. Either way you believe, the fact that we are here at all- despite our abuses of the environment is a miracle...
Trailady, at 9:51 AM, January 25, 2006
LOL I think Ive met a few neanderthals myself! In fact I saw one in the bathroom mirror all weekend while I was sick with the flu. We are fearfully and wonderfuly made. I dont know what to think about all the fossils. Theres enough to prove the flood happened to, which most atheists dont believe in. I guess we can argue and never reach the answer. We can figure out all the science stuff later on.
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM, January 25, 2006
cool, didn't think you guys would agree, but it was nice of you not to erase my comments, the sites I sent you to were just the tip of the iceberg, if you get interested look it up, science just fascinates me ( guess you could tell, huh )
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM, January 25, 2006
athiests often hate god or hate everything in this world and are very negative people, the flood has actually been proven, and I am not an athiest per se, there is an actualy scientific explination for Soddom and Gahmorra, the Flood, and a few other bible events, but here is where I personally have problems, if science proves the flood, and I believe it because the bible says so, then how can I not agree with other things science has proven?? My own personal struggle, I found answers that suite me, doesn't mean that I am right!!!!
Royce, at 6:36 PM, January 27, 2006
boy my spelling sucks, tends to remove credence from my posts!!
Royce, at 6:38 PM, January 27, 2006
At this blog, sucky spelling is quite alright.
You mentioned that you like science. I'd like to post some information that is fairly technical in nature. Think I'd lose people by it?
MovinMan, at 7:56 PM, January 27, 2006
no, if people like you blog it is because of the character you posses in writing it, if they don't comprehend, or don't like, your post they won't read it. They will however read your next post after that.
Royce, at 7:35 AM, January 28, 2006
Royce & Karl, You two guys make me smile. :o) Sucky spelling better be okay or over half of us bloggers would be in BIG trouble. LOL
Trailady, at 9:08 PM, February 01, 2006
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